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My name is Nathalie - which means "to be born"

I want to hear about you. I want to know about how life has impacted you. I want to help you navigate through what's hard as you rediscover what balance, steadiness and calm are for you.


"There are many ways to dance with our difficulties.  Each one is a movement from unconsciousness to open attention."

- Jack Kornfield


Feeling not yourself, anxious, depressed, stuck, unhappy, lonely or having problems that don't seem to go away? Together let's learn to:


  • heal from trauma

  • entraînez votre cerveau pour vous aider à gérer les changements et les difficultés avec plus d'acceptation et de facilité

  • affiner les stratégies de résolution de problèmes

  • développer et améliorer la connaissance de soi

  • utiliser des stratégies efficaces pour soulager le stress

  • have better ways to communicate and be with others

  • change non-working and unhealthy habits

  • identifier et développer les points forts que vous avez oubliés ou que vous ne reconnaissez pas avoir

  • développer et entretenir votre bien-être

  • maintenir une santé mentale et émotionnelle positive

Home: Services

Individual Therapy

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

- Carl Jung


Couple Counselling

"Love in such a way that the person you love feels free."- Thich Nhat Hanh


Help for Helpers

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”

- Anne Lamott

Yoga Equipment


Yoga applies the skills and foundations of physical alignment and movement with understanding and kindness which can be taken from our formal practice into our day to day life.  

Floating Flowers

Areas of Practice | Specializations

Services in English | Services en Français | 18 years +

Abuse, Adjustment, Alcohol problems, Anxiety, Career, Communication problems, Cultural safety, Dating and relationship issues, Depression, Discrimination, Distress related to medical conditions, Drug or substance use problems, Gender-based identity and issues, Grief and Loss, Life balance, Life transition (young adulthood, mid-life, retirement), Loneliness, Parenting, Personal growth and exploration, Pre Natal | Post Natal, Professional Growth, Relationships, School stress, Self-confidence, Self-esteem, Self-harm, Self identity, Sleep problems, Spiritual health, Stress, Substance use problems, Trauma, Trouble focusing or concentrating


More about me and my approaches


"Be yourself.  Everyone else is already taken.

Oscar Wilde

Home: Famous Quote


Ici pour vous
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada  T5J 3S9

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