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Frequently Asked Questions About Psychotherapy

How does a virtual appointment work?

Crescent Psychological uses a secure video calling and client communication platform which affirms compliancy with security and privacy requirements by the legislation in Alberta and federally.  Your confidentiality is of highest importance, where you set up your account and gain secure access to the platform by login.  Step by step instructions are provided when you are ready to set up your first appointment.
There are differences between in-person and with virtual connection which is included in the Informed Consent for Services and reviewed with you.
I am currently only authorized to provide therapeutic services in Alberta.

How long will therapy take?

For each person the length of time they spend in therapy is different. Some attend one or two sessions, over the long-term or come when they need it throughout their lifetime. Every individual has different needs, and there is no right, wrong or prescribed length of time.  People come with a variety of issues, backgrounds, personalities and mindsets which are all part of the complexity of being human.  All are carefully, professionally considered and addressed during the course of therapy.

What techniques do you use?

"Ne marche pas devant moi, je ne peux pas suivre.  Ne marche pas derrière moi, je ne peux pas diriger. Marche juste à côté de moi et sois mon ami."


Comment fonctionne un rendez-vous virtuel ?

Crescent Psychological uses a secure video calling and client communication platform which affirms compliancy with security and privacy requirements by the legislation in Alberta and federally._8df6fbcc- 43d3-3d99-a511-2eb009ed8a2d_ Votre confidentialité est de la plus haute importance, où vous configurez votre compte et obtenez un accès sécurisé à la plate-forme en vous connectant.  Des instructions étape par étape sont fournies lorsque vous êtes prêt à fixer votre premier rendez-vous.Psychologists' Association of AlbertaIl existe des différences entre une connexion en personne et une connexion virtuelle qui sont incluses dans le consentement éclairé pour les services et examinées avec vous.

Advocacy for accessible mental health services is recognized as important and vital.  Advocacy happens in multiple arenas. Visibility of mental health, especially during the pandemic time, has instilled hope for progress.  Visit the Canadian Mental Health Association and the Mental Health Commission of Canada to learn more.

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