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Pair Relationship | Family Counselling

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Albert Camus

Couples Thérapie


Seeking guidance, healing and support in marriage counselling | couple counselling can be beneficial whether you have been together depuis très longtemps, voulant se séparer en bons termes, débutant, et/ou devenant de nouveaux parents.  Using the Méthode Gottman basée sur la recherche avec des approches et des techniques intégrées vous recevrez un traitement de couple complet comprenant des phases de :

If both of you are adults (18+) and both are open and willing to receive assistance in improving your relationship, help and support is available. In pair family counselling, it is important for both to receive non-partial (no taking of sides) and non-judgmental therapy support to help you both:

  • ​

  • help you identify the underlying issues in a safe and objective environment;

  • help you gain understanding; and

  • practice healthy dialogue.

Everyone wants joy, happiness and fun in the relationships they value. By shedding light on the true issues between you and your loved one barriers can be removed to then leave you room for spending time together in a more loving, mindful and satisfying way.

Cherry Blossoms
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